This section provides information for The Warehouse Group shareholders.
The Warehouse Group Ordinary Shares are listed on the New Zealand Stock Exchange. If you are interested in buying shares in The Warehouse, you should contact your stockbroker or investment advisor.
The Group's current dividend policy was approved by the Board in March 2021. The Group's dividend policy is to distribute at least 70% of the Group’s full year adjusted net profit at the discretion of the Board and subject to trading performance, market conditions and liquidity requirements.
Depending on the level of imputation credits attached to dividends, the Group may pay supplementary dividends to non-resident shareholders. Supplementary dividends offset the effect of non-resident withholding tax. The Group receives a tax credit equivalent to supplementary dividends from the Inland Revenue Department and, accordingly, there is no disadvantage to New Zealand resident shareholders.
All cash figures listed in the table below are in NZ currency.