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August 17, 2016 | Community

Thank You For Supporting The Salvation Army

Warehouse Stationery thanks its customers for their generosity during their recent “Add a Dollar” campaign. $62,632 was raised to support “at risk” youth throughout New Zealand to participate in The Salvation Army’s “Aspire” programme.
August 11, 2016 | Community

63 Thousand Dollars to go to Salvation Army's Aspire Programme

Warehouse Stationery customers have donated almost $63,000 to The Salvation Army’s Aspire Programme, enabling more than 60 at risk young people in six communities nationwide to attend a year-long youth development programme.
June 17, 2016 | Community

CanTeen's CanGrow Continuing to Make a Difference

Ensuring a young person’s education doesn’t suffer when cancer unexpectedly enters their life is the cornerstone of CanTeen’s partnership with Warehouse Stationery.