Term of Office: Appointed as Director on 27 November 2020.
Board Committees: Chair of the Environmental and Social Sustainability Committee, and member of the Corporate Governance and Nominations Committee, People and Remuneration Committee, and Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee.
Robbie was elected as a Director of the Group in November 2020, having previously been Sir Stephen Tindall's alternate and attending meetings since his appointment in 2011.
Robbie studied Arts and Science at the University of Auckland before spending eight years at The Warehouse in various merchandise and buying roles. Today he works for K One W One Limited, a family investment company working alongside – and investing in – some of New Zealand’s most exciting technology and innovation companies as they grow and seek to go global.
Robbie is also a Trustee of The Tindall Foundation and a director of K One W One Limited and Foundation Services Limited.